Thursday, November 11, 2010

Beautiful Mantra

I am happy even before I have a reason. I am filled w light, even before the sky greets the sun or the moon. Dear Companions, We have been in love with the divine for so-very-very-long... What can we now do but forever dance. - dance with our bodies and with each other. (unknown author - this quote was shared by a sweet Yogini by the name of Clara Roberts-Oss , via her live-stream video "Groovy Hips Vinyasa", found on Breathe and blossom, Melissa

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Dad always said " Wash your feet!"

Every night before bed my Dad would say, "Goodnight, Melissa. Don't forget to wash your feet!" Part of it was an inside joke but really, he meant it! Dirty feet alway disgusted him. After today, I have just had enough of looking at tired, calloused, and black feet in those disgusting cheap flip flops. UGHH! I was downtown returning from a great day at the beach, revering in the amazing warm breeze off the water, when I glanced down next to me; there was a clean-cut guy standing beside me who had the grungiest feet that I've seen in while! I was tempted to instruct him on scrubbing and disinfecting secrets but I decided against it. "Mind your own business" I muttered to myself, and regale your tips to those who may actually care! Our feet carry us through the day in many a grungy places. Especially now, wearing flip flops, sandals, and even going around bare foot both inside and out, we carry layers of dirt, pollution, bacteria, and fungus all the way into our beloved homes and into our beds! YUK, right? As important as washing our hands during the Influenza/Flu season, washing and caring for our feet should be your priority this season. EVERYONE benefits from a foot scrub and soak. Tired & sore feet, dirty feet, swollen ankles and feet, pretty feet, smelly feet, Pregnant feet, Young and Old....try it. You'll love it. And, don't forget about following up with a lotion foot massage afterwards! First off, take a good look at your feet. Top and bottom. Take note of blisters, sores, dried gum (yes, that happens), moles, callous, ripped skin, redness, etc. If you notice anything that you don't recall you had any responsibilty of inflicting, please see a foot specialist (Podiatrist or Chiropodist) or your family doctor. Tis the season for Athletes Foot, Fungus infections, Infected toenails (from bad pedicures and clipping your nails too short), Infected Blisters, and the dreaded Wart. Otherwise, you need a good scrub, wash, soak, and rub with lotion. Now doesn't that sound good? Set yourself up with these essentials and then set your alarm for 20 minutes, then ENJOY.
  1. Large Basin, Tub, or any deep and wide bowl filled with some soft polished rocks in the bottom
  2. A few towels
  3. Relaxing music
  4. An extra pillow or to lean your back on and another to place on your lap so you can rest your arms on - relax those shoulders and deep breathe!
  5. Mix your favorite scrub in a ceramic bowl and place it near your feet
  6. Have your favorite foot lotion or oil near-by
  7. Bring your Essential Oils of choice
There are many options and recipes for a foot soak therefore I will leave you with one of my favorite sites to peruse through and find one that suits your needs. I will always be here to answer your questions or concerns and to help you tailor a mix especially for you and your condition. Simply, enjoy and relax.
TIP: LEAVE NEAR YOUR BATHTUB at all times.....
  • Glass jar filled with Sea Salt or White Sugar
  • One type of Essential Oil, or a bottle of reputable/organic essential oil mixed tincture
  • Small plastic bottle of oil - Organic Sesame, Jojoba, Grapeseed, or Olive Oil

When scrubbing your feet, to avoid a slip or loss of balance, please sit on the side of the tub.


Open all bottles of oil as well as your jar of salt or sugar.

Grabbing a handful of sugar/salt in one palm (about 1/2 cup)... add 3-5 drops of Essential Oil AND then a few drops of Carrier Oil. With the water running on low, run your free hand under the water, grabbing a small amount of it in that palm....drop small amounts of the water to your other palm holding the scrub - creating a moistening;...JUST enough to see a 'paste' form. Mix it gently with a free finger. Then, get scrubbing - one foot at a time.

You'll feel goosebumps, tingles, even some sensitive areas. Just make sure to cover it all...even your toes, cuticles, nails, heels, and even your shins. Go slowly and don't use too much pressure. Let the scrub do it's work, naturally. Gently. The oils will soon penetrate your tired feet and its healing benefits will be absorbed into your system. Inhale the wonderful Aromatherapy, calming your senses and releasing tension.

After a few minutes, run your feet and hands under the water, or in the shower.



After you have rinsed off, dab your legs and feet dry. Then, rub in the excess oil that is left on the surface. Follow up with a lotion massage.

Feel how soft and healthy your feet are. And, your hands, too!

Breathe and blossom



Thursday, May 20, 2010

May is a month of Change

I want to share a wonderful Mantra that I just read to help guide you through the changes of the month of May. Om Shanti. "OM..let go"....breathe out and let go. Do you realize that we spend most of our lives controlling and projecting into what we want and how we think things should go? So "let go" and find freedom in releasing expectation and desire and allow yourself to simply TRUST. Realize that the more you hold on and try to control you will create more tension and resistance inside and out. Breathe....and blossom. Namaste Melissa Taken from An amazing style of Flow Yoga...a must-try.

Friday, March 5, 2010

WHO are my readers?

It appears that many people have been visiting my Blog. That's great! My intention is to create a 'converstation' area whereby my visitors can extend their questions and comments in relation to how Reflexology, as well as other holistic modalites that I offer, can help to influence their concerns for a healthy body/mind and lifestyle. This is how it works: I write a POST, then you log on and read it REGULARLY and make your comments heard by pressing the button in blue below the Post that says, "make a comment".

Your comments, questions, and requests for more information on a particular illness, holistic modality, etc... is extremely important to me. How can I help you if I don't know what's on your mind? Even if it's just to say hello.

I am curious, though, as to why there seem to be more 'voyeurs' than communicators? Please leave your mark. Pose a question...make a comment on one of my blog entries. I want to hear from you! Otherwise, I am simply writing and posting to myself! My goal is to educate and motivate all who wish to be more proactive and preventative with regard to their health, as well as for their extended family, friends and children. How can I help? What do you want to know more about? Try me. If you want to keep it private, please feel free to e-mail me at the "email" button on my profile, and I will respond to you quickly. Your privacy will be respected. Who are my readers?? Namaste, Melissa